This podcast is dedicated to up and coming leaders in the cybersecurity industry. It is meant to help bridge the gap between being a technical leader to a business leader/enabler. We will talk about what it takes to be a leader and other issues that impact our industry today.
Dev.Sec.Lead: Season 1, Episode 7- "Marine Corps Musician to Disney Cybersecurity Pro"
October 31, 2019
Wilson Bautista Jr./ Kayla Underkoffler
Season 1
Episode 7
This episode is with Kayla Underkoffler. She is a Senior Security Specialist with The Walt Disney Company and a United States Marine Corps veteran.
"I want listeners to hear my story and how I got into security, as someone with a “non-technical” background, and I want them to be inspired to take a chance and pursue a career in Cybersecurity or even technology in general, even if they don’t have the traditional “hacker” background."
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Twitter Url: @kmarieh41